


A Historical and Scientific Analysis of the "Yun Wang Wei Hou" Plaque in Zhonggang Cihyu Temple


李建緯(Chien-wei Lee);張志相(Zhi-Xiang Zhang);林仁政(Jen-Cheng Lin)


中港慈裕宮 ; 允王惟后 ; 匾額 ; 科學研究 ; 年代判斷 ; Zhonggang Cihyu Temple ; Yun Wang Wei Hou ; plaque ; scientific research ; determining the age of an artifact




35期(2017 / 12 / 01)


83 - 125






The current chronological study related to temple plaques in Taiwan is mostly founded on the heading and the closing part of inscriptions on a plaque to determine its age. However, re-made or newly-made plaques in historical temples are fairly common phenomena. As a matter of fact, plaques tended to be restored, refurbished or re-framed at the time when old temples were renovated. A temple plaque "Yun Wang Wei Hou" preserved in Zhonggang Cihyu Temple of Miaoli County is worthy of discussion. We can learn more about its history and origin in the book History of Zhonggang Cihyu Temple, in which it is indicated that the emperor of Qing dynasty, Muzong Tongzhi, was ill while his mother, Empress Dowager Cixi, was also a little bit under the weather. At that time, the emperor commanded a general officer, Wu Long A, to guard the region of Taiwan. This officer had heard of Zhonggang Cihyu Temple, which worshipped Matzu and had a high reputation for efficacy in response to prayers. So the officer came to pray for medicines to heal the emperor and Cixi. Just as expected, the medicines were effective. Then Empress Cixi decreed Wu Long A to dedicate a plaque to this temple in the 13th year under the reign of Emperor Tongzhi (in 1874). The story had been told thereafter in the region. With all the materials on hand, such as biography of Wu Long A, comparison with other plaques at the same period of Qing dynasty, inspecting and analyzing wearing traces found on plaques, our study comes to the conclusion that this plaque "Yun Wang Wei Hou" was indeed dedicated by Wu Long A but that the dedication took place actually during the 22nd year under the reign of Emperor Jiaqing (in 1817), Besides, the heading and closing parts of the inscription seen as "the year of Tongzhi" and the sealing on this plaque are likely to be a restoration job made during the later time between Japanese rule and the governance of the Republic of China. Through historical literature review, field investigation involving artifact work and supported by scientific inspection and analysis on artifact material, the authors found that to determine the age of a plaque is rather a dynamic process: the plaque as the central material, the heading and closing part of the inscription and the frames of the plaque are all factors spanning different timeframe to give birth to a current artifact. This case study also lets us know that we can obtain a more accurate understanding in determining the age of an artifact through interdisciplinary integration.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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