


Sino-Japan Negotiation on the Supplementary Treaty of Commerce and Navigation after the Boxer Incident


呂慎華(Shen-Hua Lu)


中日商約 ; 中日關係 ; 盛宣懷 ; 張之洞 ; 袁世凱 ; The Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between China and Japan ; Sino-Japan relations ; Yuan Shih-k'ai ; Chang Chih-tung ; Sheng Hsuan-huai




43期(2021 / 12 / 01)


85 - 118






The Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between China and Japan was signed in 1896. This Treaty allowed Japan to have the rights of appointing consuls to reside at the designated ports, cities and towns in China. Japanese could live near the ports due to commercial consideration, could rent or purchase houses, could rent lands as so designated in Article VI of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. After the Boxer Incident, Japan renewed its Treaty of Commerce with China in 1903. Trying to get as much as the Treaty allowed, Japan expanded its rights, some of which they could not obtained in the Treaty of 1896. China, as usual, tried its best to avoid Japan's gaining too much, especially when Japan claimed that their nationals should have been permitted to live all across China without any limitations, and forced China to open Peking as a port for commerce. In the meantime, Japan was not willingly to discuss the issue of raising tariff, which was the most important, maybe the only achievement that China wished to win. The result was that China and Japan made a compromise with each other and signed the Supplementary Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between each other in 1903. This is just because Japan did not want to fall behind the United States in signing the contract, and China wished to levy the newly raised tariff as soon as possible. But four of the Chinese commissioners appointed for the negotiation blamed each other for not respecting, even insulting, each other's efforts, which almost jeopardized the signing.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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