


An Analysis of the Biographies of Fan Ju and Cai Ze


黃世錦(Shi-jin Huang)


《史記》 ; 《漢書》 ; 司馬遷 ; 范雎 ; 蔡澤 ; Records of the Grand Historian ; History of the Han Dynasty ; Si Ma Qian ; Fan Ju ; Cai Ze




44期(2022 / 06 / 01)


1 - 55






"Collected Biographies of Fan Ju and Cai Ze" constitute the splendid chapters in the Records of the Grand Historian as those chapters vividly describe the mentalities of the relevant characters via their conversations, thoughts and emotions. The twists and turns and nuanced wording in the stories are so true to life that readers can vividly imagine the plots from the ingenious writing style of the Grand Historian as if they were reading a novel. This study analyzed Fan Ju's character and concluded that Fan Ju had suffered setbacks and a series of narrow escapes. As a character, Fan Ju was quick-witted and eloquent. And he would bestow rewards and punishments entirely at his own discretion. According to the "Collected Biographies of Fan Ju and Cai Ze," after Fan Ju achieved his ambition, he took relentless revenge on Wei Ran, Bai Qi, Xu Gu and Wei Qi. And those who showed kindness when Fan Ju was in distress would be paid a debt of gratitude as in the case of Shou Zhe, Zheng An Ping and Wang Ji. As for Cai Ze, he was described as a person "born in poverty, interested in fame, highly eloquent, and knowing when to advance or quit." The similarities of these two statesmen also lie in their contributions to the Qin State: for Fan Ju, "formulating the policy of associating with the distant states and attacking the near ones," "concentrating the royal power," and "dispatching spies to the Zhao State." As for Cai Ze, his contributions to the Qin State included "destroying the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" and "serving as an envoy in the Yan State for the Qin State." All in all, the reasons why Si Ma Qian put the two people's biographies together included they were both "born in poverty," "persuasive sophists," "chief ministers" and furthermore, according to the Grand Historian, "they both had a good beginning and a good ending."

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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