


Tracing the History of Load-Shouldered Figurine Candlesticks in Taiwan Temples: The Image of "A Dull Strong Man Raising the Corner of the House" or "A Western Figurine Holding the Treasure"?


李建緯(Lee, Chien-wei)


燭臺 ; 五供 ; 人物負重 ; 洋人托寶 ; 戇番抬厝角 ; candlestick ; Wu Gong ; load-shouldered figurine ; western figurine holding treasure ; "jhuang fan tai cuo jiao" (a dull strong man raising the corner of the house)




44期(2022 / 06 / 01)


83 - 128






Candlesticks are commonly items in the daily life of the Han Chinese. In Taiwan, among the folk religious utensils, candlesticks are often found as a part of a ritual set « Wu Gong 五供 (five offering)». During the Ming and Qing dynasties, candlesticks were gradually borrowed by the people to worship gods, Buddhas and ancestors. Among the candlesticks handed down in Taiwan, there is a particular type of candlestick in a shape of a distinctive figurine in the image of carrying a load on shoulders, who however does not look like Han people. It is often considered to be the common image of "jhuang fan tai cuo jiao 戇番抬厝角" in temple decorations. By studying the related images and reviewing literature, we get to know that this type of candlestick with exotic figurines, on the one hand, does not rule out the influence of an inheritance of exotic images, such as from Buddhist culture; thus such figurines were gradually adopted in the architecture as bracket decoration, namely in Chinese « Nai Jhong 耐重 (load-bearing) » or «Jiao Shen 角神 (corner god) ». On the other hand, it may be also related to the tradition of figurine candlestick since Han dynasty. If we look closely at these 19th-century figurine candlesticks in Taiwanese temples, we can see that they are mainly clothed rather than nude, wearing trousers and button-down tops with bow ties, different from Chinese clothing costumes tradition with the left collar crossing over the right one. This specific characteristic of figurine candlesticks reflects a particular cultural meaning under the influence of temple culture exchanges and artistic expression through 19th to 20th centuries. After comparing the images of different figurine candlesticks, this study found that these candlesticks may also have been influenced by figurine artifacts from western cultural relics, such as the copper western figurine holding treasure in painted enamels from the 18th century onwards.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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