It is difficult for principal-protected and barrier models to derive their exact closed-form solutions. Monte Carlo methods are convenient and efficient to value them. Among Monte Carlo methods, Rubinstein and Marcus (1985) and Nelson (1990) show that control-variate Monte Carlo is more efficient than the others under no jump models. This article examines the performance of control variate Monte Carlo using the path-dependent and principal-protected notes with cap in the sample. A comparison of various Monte Carlo methods is presented such as ordinary Monte Carlo, antithetic variate Monte Carlo, control variate Monte Carlo and quasi Monte Carlo. After repeating simulations and using the market price of the note as a benchmark to compute its standard error, we find that the accuracy of control variate Monte Carlo is not the best among all Monte Carlo methods. Also, it takes much longer time to simulate than ordinary Monte Carlo simulation. In Type I arrangement of random errors of quasi Monte Carlo method, there is the highest accuracy than the others. But one has to spend the largest time to simulate for quasi Monte Carlo method.
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