


A Dynamic Model of the Entrepreneurial Process: A Case Study of Wen-Lung Hsu and His Chi Mei Group






企業家過程 ; 學習 ; 主體人理論 ; 奇美集團 ; 許文龍 ; Entrepreneurial Process ; Learning ; Theory of Human Agency ; Chi Mei Group ; Wen-Lung Hsu




12卷1期(2008 / 09 / 01)


49 - 76






This paper presents a dynamic model of the entrepreneurial process based on Weber's and Schutz's theories of human agency. It argues that entrepreneurs solve their business problems based on their stocks of knowledge accumulated from everyday life experience. If incoming events are familiar, entrepreneurs can utilize the rule of thumb to solve the problems without difficulties. If incoming events are novel, those agents using old methods to solve new problems are doomed to fail. Most agents will try new methods to solve new problems. If a new strategy works, then it will be adopted and further routinized as a rule of thumb. This theoretical framework is applied to the experience of Wen-Lung Hsu and his Chi Mei Group in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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