The paper use the method of pooling data OLS, Panel data regression to test the relationship between intellectual capital and firm performance from 2001 to 2007. The variables included of customer capital, human resource capital, structure capital from independent and return on asset, market price to book value and total productivity from firm performance. As the relationship between structure capital and firm performance is insignificant. The paper separated two group depended by the R & D expenditures. Continue to investigate the influence of intellectual capital on firm performance.
The effect of company management has ever become deteriorated with larger the scale of company and it has exposed the rather unfavorable defect of management for internal workflow. Of such defect, it is the sign often seen in practice as many institutes are run by one single individual. However, if the enhancement of transparency for financial information remains insufficient, it can, if through the empirically works of this study, help suggest to increase the transparency of management process, or if many of the authorities in-charge-of or expert institutes should concurrently be led or duality by one single individual? They are the important suggestions put forth by this study, and we do expect that enterprise should, in times of economic recession, not lay off staff or streamline personnel training expense merely with consideration of profit-making, which can greatly jeopardize the enhancement of intellectual capital.
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