


A Study of the Relationships among the Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value, Happiness and Relationship Strength-The Example of SPA Experience




SPA ; 體驗行銷 ; 體驗價值 ; 幸福感與關係強度 ; Experiential Marketing ; Experiential Value ; Happiness and Relationship Strength




17卷2期(2014 / 03 / 01)


47 - 72






This research chooses the SPA experience as the topic to examine consumers' feelings when experiencing this kind of activities, and explore the relationship between this experience and its experiential value, happiness, and relationship strength. This research uses questionnaire survey for data collection, and factor analysis, t-test and regression to verify the relationships between the variables. The research results reveal all the six hypotheses are supported. In order to effectively enhance the relationship strength between the consumers and SPA shops, this research recommends that one should strengthen consumers' experiential value and happiness when developing appropriate experiential marketing strategies. Although the experiential value and happiness are highly correlated, the influence of consumers' happiness on relationship strength is not as significant as the influence of experiential value.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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