


The Impact of Cloud Storage Service Involvement on Behavioral Intention




雲端儲存服務 ; 涉入度 ; 知覺價值 ; 滿意度 ; 行為意圖 ; Cloud Storage Service ; Involvement ; Perceived Value ; Satisfaction ; Behavioral Intention




18卷2期(2015 / 03 / 01)


45 - 64






The development of smart handheld device and cloud storage service (CSS) not only has enabled consumers to enjoy CSS, but also has changed consumers’ approaches and preferences in using CSS. The increasing demand for CSS has made the industry put efforts to launch a variety of CSS to seize the market share. Thus, understanding consumers’ perceived value of CSS, satisfaction and behavioral intention has become an urgent need. However, the existing literature usually applies technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion model, perceived risk and security to explore the acceptance and willingness to use CSS. There has been less research on the relationships among perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intention of the CSS based on the perspective of involvement. This study applied questionnaire survey to further investigate the interrelationship among the CSS involvement, perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intention. Furthermore, the study explores the influence of CSS involvement on behavioral intention, as well as to realize the effect of CSS involvement on behavioral intention mediated by perceived value and satisfaction. The results show that the CSS involvement has positive and significant influence on perceived value and satisfaction relations, as well as that perceived value and satisfaction have positive and significant influence on behavioral intention. Moreover, the effect of CSS involvement on behavioral intention can mediate by perceived value and satisfaction. Finally, this study provides useful insights for the CSS providers to develop future marketing strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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