


The Effects of Promotion after Restrictive Sales Promotion (RSP) on Perceived Promotion Fairness and Brand Attitude




限量促銷 ; 訊息與行為不一致 ; 知覺促銷公平 ; 負面情緒 ; 品牌態度 ; 促銷組合 ; 時間壓力 ; Restrictive Sales Promotion ; Information-behavior Inconsistency ; Perceived Promotion Fairness ; Negative Emotions ; Brand Attitude ; Promotion Bundle ; Time Pressure




18卷2期(2015 / 03 / 01)


65 - 85




廠商常用限量促銷手法吸引消費者購買,但許多消費者發現,在限量促銷期間結束後,廠商仍以同樣或更低廉的價格銷售,與廠商之前所宣稱之「限量」不一致,對於廠商這種限量訊息與行為不一致(Information-behavior inconsistency)的做法,產生負面評價。本研究即是在探討限量促銷訊息與行為不一致對品牌態度的影響,並從知覺促銷公平(Perceived promotionunfairness)的角度來分析,本研究並探討可能影響不一致效果的干擾因素,包括後續促銷合理性、後續促銷差異性與時間壓力。透過三個實驗,發現限量促銷訊息與行為不一致,會透過知覺促銷公平直接或間接降低品牌態度。當後續促銷合理性越低、後續促銷差異性越小、時間壓力越大時,會強化不一致性對知覺促銷公平的負向影響。


Restrictive sales promotion (RSP) is an effective tool to stimulate perceived values and purchase intentions. However, many consumers complain that after the promotion period of RSP, firms still offer the similar promotions to the market, which is not consistent with the RSP announcements. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of information-behavior inconsistency of RSP on brand attitudes from the viewpoint of perceived promotion fairness. This study also examines the moderating effects of reasonableness of subsequent promotion, differences of promotion bundles and time pressure on the relationship between information-behavior inconsistency and perceived promotion fairness. By conducting three experiments, this study finds that the information-behavior inconsistency of RSP deteriorates brand attitudes directly and indirectly through perceived promotion fairness. In addition, the negative effect of information-behavior inconsistency on perceived promotion fairness is strengthened by low rationality of subsequent promotion, low differences of promotion bundles and high time pressure.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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