Due to urgent time and difficult environments accompanied by emergent disaster relief, together with integrating a substantial amount of resources, the efficiency of collaboration and interactions concerning disaster relief between NGO and the governmental organizations is critical. However, it is suggested that disaster relief from the two organizations seems to lack efficient dialogues and operative mechanisms, which have led to repeats and waste of rescue resources and relevant measurements. Therefore, drawing on data from questionnaires and using regression analysis, this study aims, from a NGOs’ perspective, to explore the relevant factors and the influences of collaboration and interactions concerning disaster relief between NGOs and the governmental organizations, with an attempt of proposing suggestions to the collaborative disaster relief between the two organizations. The results show that based on Motivation Factors, Joint partnership, Performances Model (MJP), among the three drivers of collaborative partnership including the interaction-learning, the trust-legal-mobilization, and the share-integration, the trust-legal-mobilization factor has a positive and direct effect on the collaborative outcomes. The research evidence also shows that by establishing the effectiveness of operative mechanism, the trust-legal-mobilization driver of collaborative partnership can enhance the outcomes of collaborative partnership. The results indicate that, compared to the disaster relief from the Government, the disaster relief provided by the NGOs have their professional specificity, and that the involvement of the NGOs seems to more sincere. Therefore, the establishment of the operative mechanism is significant to the collaborative partnership model. In addition, the research provides evidence that the trust-legal-mobilization factor of the drivers, coupled with to operate the operative mechanism such as the processes, procedure of joint actions, continued network interactions, communications coordination as well as trust, will benefit to succeed in disaster relief and aid goals.
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