


The Effects of Information Disclosure of Travel Websites towards Purchase Intention─Taking Trust and Search Cost Reduction as Mediating Variables




旅遊網站 ; 資訊揭露 ; 信任 ; 搜尋成本 ; 購買意願 ; Travel Websites ; Information Disclosure ; Trust ; Search Cost ; Purchase Intention




20卷2期(2017 / 03 / 01)


93 - 116




近年來,旅遊網站成為消費者選擇旅遊行程的重要平台。因此,許多旅遊業者紛紛建置網站平台以搶佔一席之地。再者,檢視過去有關旅遊網站的文獻後發現,較少文獻探討旅遊網站之資訊揭露、搜尋成本、信任與購買意願之間的關係。故本研究以問卷調查法來探討資訊揭露、搜尋成本、信任與購買意願之間的關係。同時,本研究進一步探討顧客對旅遊網站的信任與節省顧客的搜尋成本分別對旅遊網站之資訊揭露與其購買意願之間的中介效果。在資料蒐集部分,本研究採用立意抽樣方式,問卷發放之對象是以曾經在旅遊網站上購買旅遊行程或服務的消費者為對象。問卷發放係以網路發放為主,總計回收101 份有效問卷。研究結果顯示旅遊網站資訊揭露、節省消費者的搜尋成本與消費者對於網站的信任程度對於旅遊網站購買意願皆有正向且顯著的影響;節省搜尋成本與信任程度對於旅遊網站的資訊揭露與購買意願皆有部分中介效果。最後,本研究提出提升顧客購買意願的具體建議,以供旅遊網站業者做為未來行銷策略之參考。


In recent years, travel websites have become an essential type of platform for travelers to choose their itineraries. Therefore, many travel operators have built various web platforms to seize a business opportunity in the competitive market. Moreover, reviewing the previous literature of travel websites, it was found that there are still few studies to explore the relationships among information disclosure, search cost, trust and purchase intention for travel websites. This research thus applied the questionnaire survey method to explore the relationships among information disclosure, search cost, trust and purchase intention. Furthermore, this research explores the mediating effects of trust and saving search costs on Information Disclosure and purchase Intention, respectively. This research applied a purposive sampling method to collect the data from respondents who have experiences in buying products and services through the travel websites. The questionnaires were distributed via Internet and a total of 101 valid questionnaires have been withdrawn. The results showed that information disclosure on the travel websites, saving search costs and trust all have significantly positive influence on purchase intention. Saving searching costs and trust have partial mediate influence on the relationship between information disclosure on the travel websites and customer's purchase intention. Finally, this study offers concrete suggestions to enhance customers' purchase intentions, and provides marketing strategies that can be used by travel websites to raise their sales.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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