


Does Website Quality Reduce Consumers' Perceived Risk? An Empirical Study of Online Auction




網路拍賣 ; S-O-R理論模型 ; 網站品質 ; 知覺風險 ; 涉入程度 ; Online auction ; S-O-R theory ; Website quality ; Perceived risk ; Involvement




23卷1&2期(2020 / 03 / 01)


111 - 136




本研究以刺激-有機體-反應」(Stimulus-Organism-Response)模型及Kim and Lennon(2013)的概念性架構為理論基礎,說明網站品質(網站設計、顧客服務、可靠性、安全性)如何影響知覺風險,並進一步影響消費者的購買意願。更重要的是,本研究額外納入涉入程度為調節變數,探討其是否影響網站品質與知覺風險之關係。資料蒐集以拍賣網站消費者為調查對象,蒐集總共317份問卷,有效問卷256份,透過結構方程模式檢驗假說,分析結果指出,提升拍賣網站的安全性可降低消費者的知覺風險,其次網站設計、顧客服務及可靠性受涉入程度高低所影響,當涉入程度高時,其影響效果越強。相關成果將提供網路拍賣業者重要實務建言。


Based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) theory and the conceptual framework proposed by Kim and Lennon (2013)24, this study suggests website quality (website design, customer service, reliability, security) affects perceived risk, which in turn influences consumers' intention to purchase on online websites. More importantly, this study further examines the moderating effect of involvement on the relationship between website quality and perceived risk. Data were collected from the buyers of a large online auction website. A total of 317 respondents participated in the survey, leaving 256 usable cases for an effectivity rate of 80.7%. By using structural equation modeling, this study finds that the privacy of online auction website has a negative effect on consumers' perceived risk. Additionally, we found consumer involvement play an important moderating role in the relationship between website quality and perceived risk. Our findings provide an important managerial implications for online auctioneers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
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