To increase the level of distinguish ability in efficiency evaluation, and this research proposes a Common Compromise Weights, CCW, method that is accepted easier by all the evaluated units. The proposed method not only increase the level of distinguish ability in efficiency evaluation, but also obtain a set of weights that have minimum difference with the set of weights obtained from the CCR model.By applying least square method to the function of weights, the common consensus weights are obtained. This research also provides evidence for the inference by two theorems. Moreover, data from Wang et al. (2007) and Roll et al. (1991) are used as examples to compare the virtues and defects of the proposed method with three existing evaluation methods.Results show that the correlation between the proposed method and two existing methods is greater than 80%. In addition, the proposed method provides better distinguish ability. Regression analysis is then used to verify the correctness of the evaluation models. And it appear that the regression equations of three models can interpret reasonably the evaluation results since the efficiencies of DMUs have negative correlation with their inputs and positive correlation with their outputs. However, the determinant coefficients, R^2, of the proposed method equal 0.9721 and 0.9982, respectively, and the P-value in ANOVA test of the proposed method is 9*10^-6 and 1.4*10^-5, respectively. These show that the proposed method provides excellent interpretation and goodness of fitting.
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