


The Study of Sales Promotion Model on Consumer's Perceived Value and Purchase Intention




王清梅(Chin-Mei Wang);張筱倩(Hsiao-Chien Chang);張慧萍(Anita Chang);潘志偉(Tse-Weio Pan)


促銷模式 ; 產品涉入程度 ; 產品品牌權益 ; 促銷情境 ; 產品折扣深度 ; 消費者促銷知覺價值 ; 購買意願 ; Promotion model ; Degree of product involvement ; Brand equity ; Marketing situation ; The depth of product discounts ; Consumer promotions perceived value ; Purchase intention




12卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


59 - 91






In a gradually competitive market, manufacturers put more and more resources in promotional activities to attract consumers’ attention. Therefore, how to provide promotional information for consumers in order to make choices has become the most important issue for manufacturers. This study explores that level of product involvement, brand equity, sales and product discounts situation will affect the depth perception of the value of consumer promotions, its influence on product purchase intention. The different situations such as consumer promotions, discounts and product depth, the relationship would interfere with the aforementioned effect.The results from this study that the product involvement level, brand equity, sales and product discounts depth situational promotion to consumers will affect the perceived value, brand equity, sales and product discounts depth of the situation on consumer purchase intention will have an impact, product involvement level but then no significant effect on consumer willingness to buy. In addition, the results of this study are that, the degree of product involvement consumers perceived value and purchase intention sales are subject to different promotional situations, product brand equity and perceived value on consumer promotions will be buying a different product discount the depth of impact.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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