


Mining and Chromatography Entrepreneurial Innovation Capability and Entrepreneurship




牛涵錚(Han-Jen Niu);羅際屏(Chi-Ping Lo);謝覲宇(Chin-Yu Hsieh)


創新行為 ; 創業家精神 ; 中小企業 ; 才能 ; 人格特質 ; Innovation Behavior ; Entrepreneurship ; Small-medium Corp ; Competencies ; Personality Traits




13卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


119 - 150






It has been an issue on the desk for all kinds of industries to maintain their competition strength in a global-competitive age of knowledge economics. The study is intended to Data Mining Research Methods for using in a way through the Data Mining SPSS Clementine 11, application of the association rules, apriori algorithm and analysis of the use of software. The Research target for exploring through questionnaires and data mining the traits of entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs, what involve competencies, growth environment and personality traits. The results showed that the correlation between (1) individual growth environment and innovation behavior; (2) happiness and quality of live; (3) happiness and quality of enterprise; (4) Logic and Judge is most important factor of innovation behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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