


The Study of Key Factors Affecting Consumers' Decisions on Purchasing Wearable Devices Using the AHP Method




李智明(Chih-Ming Lee);李岱航(Dai-Hang Lee)


穿戴裝置 ; 關鍵因素 ; 層級分析法 ; Wearable Devices ; Wearable Electronics ; Key Factors ; AHP




17卷(2017 / 12 / 01)


87 - 123






In recent years, consumer electronics have seen rapid development and improvement. As they become smaller in size, intelligent products are now more common in articles of wear. While the debut of electronic wearable devices in product exhibitions since 2013 has attracted a lot of consumer attention, they are still not popular as yet. This study thus aims to find the key factors that impact consumers' decisions on purchasing wearable electronics. This study uses the AHP method, constructing through literature review a hierarchy of 6 dimensions and 23 key factors. The results reveal that the two most important dimensions that influence consumers' purchase decisions are the "hardware" and "software" of the wearable device, while the top four key factors are found to be "ease of use", "quality", "wisdom", and "security". Finally, we propose useful suggestions for governments and the industry that can help make customers more willing to buy wearable products and also increase their satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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