


Effects of Sensing Capability, Social Capital and Strategic Resources on Innovation Performance of Cultural and Creative Enterprises in New Ventures




林良陽(Liang-Yang Lin);張育維(Yu-Wei Chang)


辨識能力 ; 社會資本 ; 策略性資源 ; 創新績效 ; 中介效果 ; sensing capability ; social capital ; strategic resource ; innovation performance ; mediating effect




20卷(2020 / 12 / 01)


25 - 67






The purpose of the study is to examine the relationships among sensing capability, social capital, strategic resources and innovation performance of cultural and creative enterprises in new ventures. We collected data from cultural and creative enterprises in the northern and southern of Taiwan respectively, and obtained a total of 91 and 212 valid observations. Research results indicated that sensing capability is significant positive effect on social capital. Moreover, sensing capability and social capital positively are significant positive effects on strategic resources. Furthermore, sensing capability, social capital and strategic resources positively are also significant positive effects on innovation performance. Finally, research results also indicated that social capital and strategic resources are two important mediators in our research model. There are several main practical implications of this study for new creative enterprises. First, enterprises should find ways to cultivate important strategic resources needed in order to develop new products or services with competitive advantages. Second, enterprises should try to build their social capital, in order to obtain key strategic resources for reducing the disadvantages of insufficient visibility and lack of resources. Finally, enterprises should improve their sensing capabilities through various learning processes to identify important strategic resources and social capital as the basis for subsequent decisions and actions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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