This article describes the nursing experience of a fifth cervical spine injury and a lower body paralysis patient due to falling downstairs. Gordon's 11 Function Health Patterns were applied to evaluate the patient's health status. The main nursing problems were identified as ineffective breathing pattern, impaired physical mobility and hopelessness. During the acute-intensive stage of spinal injury, the patient's respiratory pattern was improved through use of mechanical ventilators with endotracheal intubation, oxygen therapy and chest physiotherapy. The author also arranged interdisciplinary care and encouraged the patient and his family to actively participate in decision-making about his own treatment plan and rehabilitation exercise while guiding him to express feelings of hopelessness and negative emotions in order to allow the patient to regain self-control over his life and confidence in reconstruction to overcome these dilemmas. We hope that relevant nursing staff would also provide comprehensive nursing care for physical and psychological needs of patients through the implementation of early discharge plans and assessment of psychological symptoms. The study is expected to provide a reference for a holistic care of a patient with spinal cord injury.
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