


Concept Analysis of Shift Work Obstacles




吳綺蓁(Chi-Jen Wu);周汎澔(Fan-Hao Chou);王秀紅(Hsiu-Hung Wang)


輪班工作 ; 障礙 ; 護理人員 ; 概念分析 ; shift work ; obstacles ; nurse ; concept analysis




39卷2期(2022 / 08 / 01)


15 - 25




台灣醫療產業輪班工作比例為42.7%,是所有行業之冠,其中有27.7%為輪替式輪班。護理是一種24小時接續臨床照護的工作型態。因輪班導致晝夜節律紊亂,違反生物個體既有的內部時鐘,影響身心健康。本文依Walker and Avant步驟,歸納出輪班工作障礙定義性特徵,並運用典型、邊緣及相反案例說明與分析此概念,也探討護理人員因輪班工作導致工作障礙的前置因子與後果;內容進一步介紹目前已發展適合的臨床評量工具,提供輪班工作者使用依據。


In Taiwan's medical industry, 42.7% of workers have to work in shifts (the highest among all industries), of which 27.7% are alternating shifts. Most notably, nursing is a field that requires workers to provide continuous clinical care during all hours of the day. When nurses work at different hours each day, their circadian rhythms are disrupted due to shift work, which upsets one's internal clock, affecting both physical and mental health. This article follows the research by Walker and Avant to summarize the defining characteristics of shift work as well as its challenges, and uses typical, edge, and contrary cases to illustrate and analyze this concept. It also discusses the effects of pre-existing factors and the consequences of shift work on nursing staff; furthermore, this article introduces appropriate clinical assessment tools that have been developed to provide support for shift workers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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