Owing to heavy workload and cumbersome workflow, it is easy for clinical nursing staff to confront delays in work, leading to reduced satisfaction of work effectiveness, thereby affecting physical and mental health. In a survey of four care units from August to November 2016, we found the average rate of nursing staff being off-duty on time was only 73.6%, but the average satisfaction rate of work efficiency was only 2.9 points (via the five-point method). Using the empirical results of the eight wastes and value stream map in Lean Management, the following reasons for the delays in getting off work were found: writing up the record of the nursing process, difficult injections, and contacting the physician for the expiration of drugs and requiring his/her signature for the self-paying consent form. The average rate of nursing staff off-duty on time increased from 73.6% to 96.3% by using the methods in Lean Management as follow: standardization, value stream maps, visualization, signal boards and automation, etc. By streamlining the nursing recording mode and automatically bringing in consultation records, setting up a team for smooth injection flow and developing a real-time contact system, the use of information systems to complete the physical signature and a reminder system was enhanced. Then, we standardized these methods. Finally, the average rate of nursing staff off-duty on time increased from 73.6% to 96.3%, and the average satisfaction rate of work efficiency increased from 2.9 points to 3.8 points. This effect continued from January to August 2018, where the average rate of nursing staff off-duty on time increased to 98.8%. Through cross-unit cooperation with Lean Management and removing unnecessary waste progress in the workflow effectively improved the rate of nursing staff off-duty on time.
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