This paper describes the case of caring for a bipolar disorder patient who repeatedly attempted self-harm and suicide due to the inability to cope with multiple sources of stress in personal life, family, and relationships. During the care period between October 30 and November 5, 2019, the patient's health issues were identified as risky self-harm, ineffective coping, and problems in family coping through methods such as observation, interview and direct care. The patient was found to be unable to cope with personal emotional stress because of their relationship issues and a lack of family support. The stress, in addition to negative thoughts, drove the patient to repeated self-harm and suicide as a coping mechanism. In response to this, Watson theory was applied to establish trust with the patient with a caring, sincere attitude to facilitate positive thinking and self-affirmation as well as to improve patient ability to cope with stress. Guidance was provided to the family to correct misconceptions and establish effective communication methods and a support system to prevent future suicidal behavior.
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