This article described the nursing experience of a terminal patient with pancreatic cancer and his spouse, who negatively impacted their mind, body, and spirit. The author collected all the data through direct care, observation, continued conversation, and physical examination from September 15 to November 18, 2020. Four dimensions, including physiological, psychological, societal, and spirit, were used as assessment guides to establish patient nursing problems, such as pain, death anxiety, and spouse's anticipatory grief. We provided individualized care based on Swanson's caring theory, including "knowing," "being with," "doing for," "enabling," and "maintaining belief." To use non-pharmacological methods to alleviate the pain and discomfort symptoms, affirm the meaning of life through empathetic communication skills and life review, and lessen the death anxiety and the anticipated grief of the spouse through gratitude, love, and the creation of shared memories. This article can be used as a clinical care reference for terminal cancer patients and their family caregivers, helping to achieve good death and holistic health care.
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