
ISO 9002制度於護理管理之應用


Application of ISO 9002 Procedures to Nursing Management




謝美玲(Mei-Lin Hsieh)


ISO 9002品質管理系統 ; International Organization for Standardization 9002 quality control system




1卷1期(2002 / 01 / 01)


35 - 39




國際標準組織(ISO, Internationa1 Organization for Standardization)9002品質管理系統,係為ISO9000國際性品質管理系統標準系列之一,用來規範組織應採行的作業,以符合顧客要求等目標。花蓮慈濟醫院於八十八年三月間引進此管理系統,並於八十九年三月十七日,全院五十四個部門通過嚴格的考驗,成為全台十八家醫學中心中,唯一全院獲得ISO9002認證的醫院。這段期間,護理部全力配合院方的政策目標,以護理部為核心再依科別屬性分外科、內科、骨科、婦兒科、社區門診、急重症、特殊單位等七個小組,制定了各組的工作規範。此外亦完成了護理技術標準手冊(共計一一五項)、常見疾病護理標準手冊(共計一九0項)及儀器操作標準手冊(共計七十七項)的制定,主要目的是希望經由工作內容的標準化、服務品質的一致化,及服務流程的明確化來提升病患照護的服務品質及醫療服務團隊的整體形象。藉此更落實院訓宗旨「人本醫療、尊重生命」的人文特質並提供高度醫療品質保證的服務,使本院的醫療品質能贏得病患及家屬的信任及滿意外,並能強化本院的經營基礎進而提升與其他機構間的競爭力。


The International Organization for Standardization, ISO 9002, comprises well-known professional service quality control system. It is also one of the leading organizations for the standardization of quality control and management. It systemalizes the proper procedure for operation of an organization in order to meet the requirements of patronage service. Tzu-Chi hospital adopted this quality and management control system in March 1999, and has became a pioneer medical center in Taiwan recognized by ISO 9002. To fulfill this standard, the nursing department provided full cooperation to meet the high expectation of the executive office. First, the nursing department was place at the core of the entire operation and divided specializations into seven subdivisions: surgical, medical, orthopedic, Ob/Gyn and pediatric, community/outpatient, ER/ICU services, and special units. We then further created routine practice protocols for each subdivision. We also blueprint 115 items in a standardized nursing care technique manual, 190 common illnesses in a nursing care manual, 77 items in a standard instrument operational manual. Our purposes were to standardize the quality of nursing care and patient services, and to clarify the paths of patient care. Hopefully, over time, boost the teamwork image of our medical services and their quality. This will also revitalize the spirit of our hospital, ”people-oriented medical care and respect for life”, and ensure high-quality medical care and services. It will win the confidence of patients, which will also reinforce the foundation of our administration and our marking capability with other hospitals.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學