


An Emergency Nursing Experience of a Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy Facing Hemodialysis Decision-Making


趙佳容(Chia-Jung Chao);郭嘉琪(Chia-Chi Kuo)


糖尿病腎病變 ; 抉擇衝突 ; 緊急血液透析 ; decisional conflict ; diabetic nephropathy ; emergency hemodialysis




17卷2期(2018 / 04 / 01)


77 - 86






This paper describes the nursing experience of assisting a patient with diabetic nephropathy in decision-making regarding the use of a first emergent hemodialysis. The nursing period was from 09:10 to 16:30 on March 8, 2015. We used Gordon's 11 functional health patterns as the assessment framework and collected data through physical assessment, observations, conversations, and chart review. The health problems included excess fluid volume and decisional conflict. After being informed of the need to undergo an emergency hemodialysis, the patient faced a decision-making dilemma that could pose a life-threatening risk to the patient if prolonged. To help the patient reduce excess fluid volume, the emergency team conducted strategies including reducing cardiopulmonary workload and enhancing tissue oxygenation. In addition, to resolve decisional conflict, we applied listening, attention, and empathy to guide the patient to express inner feelings, correct misconceptions and develop accurate cognition; and encouraged the patient to have a positive attitude toward the established fact, clarified the patient’s own needs and expectations, thereby assisting the patient to make treatment decision and eventually alleviate the physiological and psychological problems. We would like to share this nursing experience and, based on its success, recommend emergency nurses to provide individualized care and apply skills such as listening, attention and empathy to guide patients experiencing decisional conflict to identify the affecting factors, to positively face and solve the problems, and to make medical decisions that best meet their own unique needs. We hope that first line emergency nurses can prolong the life and kidney function of their patients by delivering patient-centered care.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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