Patients with head and neck cancers are often intubated with nasogastric tube after surgery for nutrition provision and infection prevention. The rate of deliberate self-extubation of nasogastric tube was 3.60% among patients after surgery in our hospital from January to February, 2012. By investigating cases of successful extubation, our team was able to identify the major factors behind the premature self-extubation: low rate of patient education delivered by nurses according to patients’ needs (only 13.33%), and low percentage of consistency in patients' descriptions of their experience after nasogastric intubation (23.96%). This project was aimed to reduce the self-extubation rate of nasogastric tube among patients with head and neck cancers to 0.72%. The nursing interventions included: 1. develop and implement nasogastric tube care model: (i) set the care model as a key point in the patient education shift routine, (ii) set the care model as a focal point for each shift, and (iii) establish effective communication and feedback; 2. encourage case discussions using positive feedback and revise care model accordingly; 3. revise patient education pamphlets. After the project was implemented, from Sept. 2012 to August 2013, the rate of deliberate self-extubation of nasogastric tube was reduced to 0.57%. This result indicates that our nasogastric tube care model is effective in reducing the rate of deliberate self-extubation of nasogastric tube among patients with head and neck cancers after surgery.
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行政院衛生署(2012,7月)·台灣病人安全通報系統2011年年報 ·取自http://www.tpr.org.tw/images/pic/files/台灣病人安全通報系統2011年度報表及勘誤20120725_201207271623.pdf