


Nursing Experience with a Postoperative Adolescent with Ovarian Teratoma


楊嘉愉(Chia-Yu Yang);張惠英(Hui-Ying Chang)


卵巢畸胎瘤 ; 焦慮 ; 照顧者角色緊張 ; 青少年期 ; 卵巢切除手術 ; anxiety ; adolescence ; caregiver role strain ; ovarian teratoma ; oophorectomy




19卷3期(2020 / 06 / 01)


118 - 128




本文為描述一位卵巢畸胎瘤行卵巢切除手術青少女之照護經驗。護理期間自2017年11月27日至12月4日,筆者透過觀察、會談、直接照護、身體評估、訪視及電話聯絡等方式收集資料。以Gordon十一項功能性健康型態評估,發現個案有急性疼痛、焦慮、照顧者角色緊張等問題。針對個案在青春期的發展,提供個別性護理,配合傾聽、關懷,鼓勵個案說出內心感受,同時教導轉移注意力來緩解疼痛並運用通訊軟體與其同儕聯繫,也協助案母掃描資訊軟體QR code來獲得術後傷口照護影片及衛教單張,以減輕照護壓力;期此護理經驗,能提供同仁於未來照護上之參考。


This article reveals the nursing experience of an adolescent girl with ovarian teratoma undergoing oophorectomy surgery. During the nursing period from November 27th to December 4th, 2017, the author collected information through observation, conversations, direct care, physical assessment, visits, and telephone contact. On the basis of Gordon's eleven functional health assessments, the patient exhibited acute pain and anxiety, and caregiver role strain was also identified. In response to the specific needs of adolescent patients, our individualized care measures included the following: building mutual trust by listening to the patient's needs and encouraging the patient and her mother to express their inner feelings, teaching the patient to divert her attention to obtain pain relief, using communication software to connect with peers to reduce separation anxiety, and using information software QR code scanning to provide postoperative wound care skill videos and health education leaflet. These interventions alleviated the concerns of the patient's mother. We hope this nursing experience serves a reference to improve nursing care.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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