The processing time in the treatment of heat injury by means of fast cooling, fluid supply, and immediate transfer is closely related to patients' safety. Nursing staff's ignorance regarding heat injury can not only affect the treatment and outcome but also reduce the quality of medical care. These factors motivated this improvement project. Following current situation analysis and data collection, we identified that nursing staff's cognition of heat injury was only 29% and the treatment integrity of heat injury was only 40%, constituting main concerns. Reasons for these shortcomings include a lack of experience caring for patients who have heat injury during clinical nursing, lack of education in heat injury, and lack of precision in their first aid plan. After discussions, improvement plans were implemented, which included training, the design of knowledge cards, the scanning of QR codes, requiring qualified personnel, and modifying the first aid plan. According to the outcome of this project, the correct rate of cognition of heat injury increased from 29.2% to 90.8%, and the integrity of heat injury increased from 40% to 100%, which led to the immediate completion of the first aid activity.
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衛生福利部國民健康署 (2016 , 10 月 14日 ) . 預防熱傷害衛教專區 .取自https://www.hpa.gov.tw/Pages/Detail.aspx?nodeid=577&pid=902。