The project aims to improve the accuracy rate of the Pulse Contour Cardiac Output (PiCCO) assessment for intensive care unit (ICU) nursing staff. The ICU accommodates patients with multiple traumas and septic shock, and several instruments are applied. Therefore, training regarding the ability to assess and analyze data is required to save time and prevent patient deterioration. The initial investigation of this study showed that the accuracy rate of the PiCCO assessment for the nursing staff was only 33.64% due to insufficient knowledge of PiCCO interpretation, lack of relevant in-service education, lack of the Chinese version of PiCCO interpretation tools, and the absence of PiCCO guidance consistency. The project group has planned the in-service education training, interpreted the PiCCO quality monitoring, and produced the PiCCO interpretation suggestions. Finally, the accuracy rate of the PiCCO assessment by the nursing staff reached 78.25%. This project contributes to providing practical suggestions on applying PiCCO and interpreting the assessment for other related medical units.
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臺灣病人安全通報系統(2016,無日期).2016年TPR年報 .取自http://www.patientsafety.mohw.gov.tw/Content/Downloads/List01.aspx?SiteID=1&MmmID=621273303702500244。