This article describes the intensive care experience provided for a 25-year-old male patient suffering from shallow second degree to third degree burns on 45% of body surface area due to accidentally touching high voltage electrical cable at work. During February 19, 2020 to March 26, 2020, we applied Roy's adaptation model to assess and improve the patient's health with the methods of observation, conversation, physical assessment and history review. The result indicated that the patient's nursing problems included impaired tissue integrity, acute pain, and disturbed body image. In regard to nursing process, we used standard precautions, complied with aseptic dressing technique and provided guidance on adequate nutrition therapy and newly developed skin care education. During dressing change, we applied non-drug treatment to reduce the pain. The Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B) was also employed to assess the patient's physical, psychological and social health condition. We provided mental health support to adequately release emotion, and guide the patient in positive thinking and future planning. We anticipated the patient's successful return to society and social functioning. We share the care experience with this patient as a reference for clinical nursing practitioners dealing with care of burn cases.
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