


High Risk Factors of Sexually Violent Predators in Taiwan




陳若璋(Roda Chen);劉志如(Chih-Ju Liu);王家駿(Jia-Jun Wang)


性暴力連續犯 ; 性罪犯 ; 鑑別因子 ; SVP: Sexually violent predator ; sex offenders ; risk factor




13期(2002 / 05 / 01)


1 - 46




本研究的目的在探索性暴力連續犯(Sexually violent predator,SVP)之特質及其危險因子,以提供未來診斷、鑑識、治療、監管及刑事法律上的參考。本研究結果有以下之重要發現: 性暴力連續犯之突顯特質如下:相對於一次犯,其成長過程中曾遭受性侵害、性猥褻的經驗較多,侵害者包括連續犯的親人及非親人;他們有更多的早發性犯罪史;情緒穩定度也較低;表達溝通能力較差。在生活習性上,連續犯較常更換工作;平日有性幻想習慣者較多;犯罪前此群體看A 片及犯案時模仿A 片的比率較多,且在犯案前有預先準備的也比一次犯更多。 在犯案時行為上,連續犯較一次犯,作案時多帶有武器;犯案當中有勃起的亦多,同時會反綁遮眼及拿走被害人物品以當作紀念;且有較高比率會毆打受害人;而犯案持續的時間較長;在犯案後亦多會恐嚇受害人。 當使用羅吉斯迴歸分析以尋找最適模式時,發現有六個變項為最具預測力的鑑別因子:在早期曾被猥褻過、犯案時會模仿A 片情節、案前有預備作案、案發時有偏差之性行為、第一次犯性侵害行為被發現的年齡小於十八歲、犯案時毆打受害者。


The purpose of this study is to identify high risk factors for Sexually violent predators (SVP) offenders in Taiwan. The sample for this study was taken from 544 sex offenders incarcerated in prisons in the North and the South of Taiwan. The subjects were asked to fill out a “High risk questionnaire” which was developed by the researchers. Data was analyzed usingχ2 T test analysis and logistic regression analysis. The results were summarized as follows: Compared to one-time sex offenders, 114 SVP offenders tend to grow up in a family with a history of violence; first offense is often discovered before the age of 14; the subject changes jobs frequently; has a more deviant sexual fantasy than the norm; is exposed frequently to rated movies, and plans his/her actions carefully. During the crime, SVP offenders tend to make use of a weapon; beat their victims; the offense is often of longer duration; verbal threats are made to victims; after the crime objects are taken from victim as souvenirs. The most important and predictable variables that can be used to Identify SVP offenders are: -Imitating the behavior from an -Rated movie during the offense. -Prior to committing the offense, their actions are carefully planned and rehearsed. -History of sexual-abuse as a child. -Taking of object(s) from victim as a souvenir after the crime. -First offense is often discovered before the age of 14. -Use of force (beating of victim) during the offense.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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