


Appling Gender Lens to Computer Learning of the Socially Disadvantaged: A Case Study of the “Basic Computer” Course in Taipei Vocational Training Center




林宇玲(Yuling Lin)


性別與電腦 ; 後結構女性主義 ; 社會弱勢者 ; 電腦實踐 ; 行動者網絡理論(簡稱ANT) ; gender and computer ; poststructuralist feminism ; the socially disadvantaged computer practices ; actor-network theory(ANT)




17期(2004 / 06 / 01)


201 - 241






In order to understand the complex and constructive relationship between the socially disadvantaged and computer, this study uses the theoretical perspective of poststructuralist feminism and Actor-Network Theory to investigate how students from various social backgrounds in the “Basic Computer” course learn and practice computer. This study as four important findings: 1) Computer training programs provided by the government do not fit into the needs of the socially disadvantaged, 2) Institutionalized computer technologies, learning context and pedagogy are not suitable for every disadvantaged student, 3) Gender-blind computer training programs cannot effectively close the gender digital divide, 4) Gender intersecting with other social forces such as age, economic condition and disability interactively influence students’ learning and performance of computer technologies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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