Although many studies have shown that field experiences of male and female researchers generally vary, most qualitative research method textbooks still neglect to discuss the impact that gender issues have in the course of a field research. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the ways in which gender politics may affect female researchers in their field work.
When a researcher begins her field work, informants often try to allocate her an appropriate position. In the meantime, the researcher herself strives to negotiate the new relationships in an effort to find her place. As the views expressed in this study's interviews suggest, the ways female researchers are treated during their field work generally reflect the gender values shared by the larger society. Thus, informants often ignore female researchers' professional roles, and instead expect them to assume traditional female roles, such as care-giving and emotional labor, or even treat them as sexual objects by focusing on their bodies.
Is sum, this paper discusses what strategies female researchers employ to negotiate such gender politics and how their gender consciousness affects the outcomes of their field research.
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