


Gender Politics Affecting Female Researchers in Their Field Work




畢恆達(Herng-Dar Bih);謝慧娟(Sally Shieh)


性別政治 ; 田野研究 ; 女性研究者 ; gender politics ; field research ; female researchers




20期(2005 / 12 / 01)


93 - 130




儘管有很多證據顯示男性與女性研究者的田野研究經驗不同,但是質性研究方法的書籍仍然持續忽視田野研究的性別差異。近年來研究者受到鼓勵反省其在研究過程中的角色,然而研究者的性別與研究田野的互動卻仍然受到忽視。本研究的目的即是探討台灣女性研究者在田野中的性別處境與性別政治。 當研究者進入田野,田野中的人會試圖把研究者放入一個位置,給她定位,研究者也同時在找尋一個適合於她的位置。根據受訪者的陳述,田野對象給她的定位其實反映的就是一般社會的性別價值。雖說因著女性研究者的年齡、學術位置與穿著等而有些許差異,但是最常見的遭遇即是忽視女性研究者的專業角色,而把她們當作是一般傳統女人的角色,如視而不見、作為服務者,以及女性的身體成為關注的焦點。本文同時討論女性研究者因應的策略,以及在這樣的脈絡下,女性研究者如果順勢利用女性的優勢與田野對象互動,其後果為何?最後則分別討論研究者的性別理解如何影響其田野研究的進行,以及知識生產的結果。


Although many studies have shown that field experiences of male and female researchers generally vary, most qualitative research method textbooks still neglect to discuss the impact that gender issues have in the course of a field research. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the ways in which gender politics may affect female researchers in their field work. When a researcher begins her field work, informants often try to allocate her an appropriate position. In the meantime, the researcher herself strives to negotiate the new relationships in an effort to find her place. As the views expressed in this study's interviews suggest, the ways female researchers are treated during their field work generally reflect the gender values shared by the larger society. Thus, informants often ignore female researchers' professional roles, and instead expect them to assume traditional female roles, such as care-giving and emotional labor, or even treat them as sexual objects by focusing on their bodies. Is sum, this paper discusses what strategies female researchers employ to negotiate such gender politics and how their gender consciousness affects the outcomes of their field research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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