


American Feminist Theories and Practices of Day Care in the Second Women's Movement




俞彦娟(Yen-Chuan Yu)


美國婦女運動 ; 女性主義 ; 托育 ; 母親角色 ; 兒童完全發展法案 ; American women's movement ; feminism ; day care ; motherhood ; the Comprehensive Child Development Act




25期(2008 / 06 / 01)


1 - 42




雖然托育是第二波美國婦女運動的重要訴求,婦運之後的10年代美國女性的工作與家庭兩難,並沒有獲得解決,美國在提供托育方面,比其他西方已開發國家落後許多。爲什麼美國沒有像其他國家一樣,發展全面性公共托育政策?其癥結在哪裡?第二波婦女運動與此癥結有何關係?本文研究第二波美國婦女運動女性主義者對托育的努力以及評析其對美國托育政策發展的影響。首先從女性主義者要求托育的動機、理由,以及托育內容,來瞭解第二波婦女運動女性主義者的托育理念和實踐;其次分析婦運期間美國社會中支持和反對公共托育力量的來源與相互角力,以及兒童完全發展法案(the Comprehensive Child Development Act)的意義;最後評析女性主義者在托育方面的努力對於美國托育系統建立、托育立法、和傳統母親角色觀念的影響。 本文檢視10年代和10年代婦女運動時期,女性主義個人和團體提出的論述和建議以及從事的實際行動,來分析女性主義者的托育理想以及托育在女性主義母親角色中的意義。主要史料是微捲資料Herstory,收有第二波婦女運動團體出版的期刊、通訊、手冊、以及宣傳品等。另外輔以女性主義者的自傳、回憶錄或傳記、報章雜誌(如New York Times 和Washington Post)和女性主義雜誌(如Ms. 和Off Our Backs),以及其他相關研究。


Although advocating universal public daycare was an important issue in second-wave American feminism, the campaign was not as successful as others. In the 10s, America lagged behind most other developed western countries in providing public child care. Why did the United States not establish a public child care policy? Did feminist theories and practices of day care have anything to do with this outcome? Drawing from material published by feminists and women's movement organizations, this article first examines the motivation and justification for day care advocacy in order to understand feminist theories and practices. Secondly, it briefly traces the history of day care in the U.S., and clarifies the social origins of the proponents and opponents of government-supported universal public day-care services. It also analyzes the impact of President Nixon's veto of the Comprehensive Child Development Act 11 on the future development of child care policy. Finally, it evaluates the effect feminists had on the development of a national day-care system and daycare legislation, as well as on the traditional ideologies of child care, motherhood, and family. The primary source used in this article is a microfilm collection of Herstory, which contains periodicals, newsletters, and pamphlets published by women's groups, contemporary newspapers (such as New York Times and Washington Post), feminist magazines (Ms. and Off Our Backs), and feminists' biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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