


Protection? Correction? or Exclusion? The Gender Implications of Women-only Cars in Taiwan




畢恆達(Herng-Dar Bih);彭渰雯(Yen-Wen Peng)


女性專用車廂 ; 性別平等 ; 性別主流化 ; 性騷擾 ; 性別分析 ; 空間隔離 ; Women-only cars ; gender equity ; gender mainstreaming ; sexual harassment ; gender analysis ; spatial segregation




25期(2008 / 06 / 01)


89 - 125




2006年月1日台鐵在因應幾位女性立委與婦女團體代表的提議下,爲防治性騷擾,於通勤的電聯車試辦「女性專用車廂」,後由於婦女團體意見不一致、男性團體投訴反對,以及實際執行困難等情形,於11月底試辦期滿後喊停。在這段試辦期間,各界對於設置女性專用車廂究竟是邁向性別平等的階段性策略,還是阻礙性別平等的機制,有許多辯論,不同的論點背後反映的正是對於「性別平等」的不同想像。 有鑑於政府各部門在性別主流化的趨勢下,將陸續推出許多以「性別平等」爲名的政策建制,我們認爲在此刻對性別平等的內涵進行概念上的釐清,是非常切要的。因此,本文回顧「性別主流化」崛起的過程,藉此說明「相同」「相異」「轉化」三種性別平等模式的演變脈絡,進而指出各項性別政策應當以「轉化」的性別平等願景爲上位原則,釐清「實務的」及「策略的」性別需求。接著,本文實際針對「女性專用車廂」相關辯論做文本分析與批判,藉由此一個案的性別分析,本文主張未來各項性別創制都應透過深入的辯證與審議,以邁向轉化性的性別平等願景。


Since 2000, the Keio Sen railway line in Japan has designated the last car of every train to be women only. The policy stems from efforts to prevent sexual harassment. Following the Japanese model, Taiwan Railway implemented a similar policy in 2006. However, there were conflicting voices regarding the legitimacy of the program, and the Taiwan Railway eventually suspended it after a six-month trial period. We believe that the implications of initiating such a program warrant detailed scrutiny. As a policy of spatial segregation, does it fulfill the aim of gender equity or become an obstacle to it? This paper first reviews three models of gender equity: sameness, difference, and transformation. Then, the authors analyze various discourses on women-only car policies within the framework of the transformative model. These discourses can be divided into formative equality, protectionism, separatism, and diverse society. We do textual analysis on the first three discourses and indicate the reasons why the fourth, ”diverse society,” fulfills better the agenda of transformative gender mainstreaming. With the global trend in gender mainstreaming, an increasing number of government policies and programs are planned and initiated in the name of ”gender equality.” But they are not unproblematic. We deliberate on the women-only car policies and analyze various public discourses. We propose that future gender policies and programs should be critically examined in the same manner, so as to continue the transformative and progressive spirit of gender mainstreaming.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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