For a long time, women's public participation are confronted with two problems: firstly, they tend to be assigned to subordinate or less competitive positions. Secondly, compared with men, women have more difficulties in accessing the power center. Can the new model of public participation, deliberative democracy, solve the problems above? In this article, I want to discuss two questions: does deliberative democracy have the elements of gender differences and gender inequality? How do women influence the decision-making process? In order to understand the process of women's participation clearly, I did a case study of the 2007 Youth Forum by observing and analyzing the participants' interactions based on video recording. In addition, I interviewed in-depth 11 participants to know how they felt about the forum. Consequently, I found that women's participation was 50% less than men's, in terms of how many times they spoke up and how many points they made. In addition, the chances for women to change others' opinions were only one third of men's. As a result, gender differences and gender inequality still exist in deliberative democracy. Besides, I also found that the decision-making was formed by different ”alliances,” which were led by men, and only those women participating in the alliances could be treated seriously. On the contrary, even though being outstanding in terms of knowledge of certain issues, a woman excluded from the alliances would find it difficult to interact with others. Therefore, ”alliances” did improve some women's influence on the one hand, while hampering the others' on the other hand. In conclusion, I try to explain how the interaction between alliances and the environment of the forum causes gender differences and gender inequality by employing Iris M. Young's concept of exclusion.
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