Gender difference and gender equality are the constantly debated issues in feminist studies. This study attempts to disentangle the varied dimensions of gender-role divisions, and to examine the political consequences caused by that division. Through empirical data analyses, we show two main findings. Firstly, while the process of social modernization weakens the traditional social arrangements based on gender-role division, the public still accepts the gender-role differentiation in varied formats. The gender differentiations perceived by the public could be classified into three types: gender segregation in work, gender division of the publicprivate domain, and gender stereotype. Of the three highly related gender perceptions, gender segregation in work is the least accepted by the public, for it connotes gender discrimination; and gender stereotype on the differences of the characters and abilities of both sexes is still widely accepted. Secondly, we also shows that these gender-role perceptions are not neutral or simply reflections of the reality, and that it does reinforce the male-dominated structure by exploiting women's political efficacy and strengthening men's political efficacy. In terms of internal political efficacy, the political psychological effect, women who are more likely to accept the traditional gender-role divisions feel politically less competent. On the contrary, men who are more likely to accept the traditional genderrole feel politically more competent.
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