


Gendered Learning and Gender Relations in the Departments of Physical Education




游美惠(Mei-Hui You)


性別與體育 ; 性別與運動 ; 陽剛 ; 陰柔 ; 恐同 ; gender and physical education ; gender and sports ; masculinity/masculinities ; femininity/femininities ; homophobia




30期(2012 / 06 / 01)


1 - 45






The purpose of this study is to examine the learning experiences of students in the department of physical education. Physical education plays an important role in influencing attitudes toward the body, and in enhancing the development of bodily strength. It is also a prime field for exploring the social and cultural construction of body and gender relation. Students who choose physical education as their major may also have to overcome a number of obstacles in their learning, and in their daily school lives. This research is concerned with examining students' learning experiences within the department of physical education from gender analytical perspective. The researcher has conducted interviews to understand students' views and experiences. Focusing on students' learning experiences in the department of physical education, the researcher examines the following questions: How do students identify themselves when they choose physical education as their major? How do these university students interpret their gender relations within the department of physical education? Finally, this study emphasizes that researchers working in the field of gender and physical education must consider the construction of masculinity and femininity. This research may provide theoretical and practical implications in the field of gender and physical education, which requires more empirical inquiries to be developed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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