


The Incorporation of Gender Perspectives into Curriculum and Instruction in Taiwan: Issues Revisited




王儷靜(Li-Ching Wang)


性別平等教育 ; 性別融入教學 ; 融入式教學 ; 融入式課程 ; gender equity education ; integration of gender equity into curriculum and instruction ; integrated instruction ; integrated curriculum




32期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 40






Gender equity education is one of the major issues in Taiwan's educational reform movement. Plenty of discussions have been centered on how to integrate gender equity education with discipline-based instruction. Nevertheless, the concept and practice of the incorporation of gender perspectives into discipline-based instruction have not been thoroughly explored yet. The aim of this study is to understand how researchers and teachers conceptualize its meaning and practice.Teachers' understanding of the construction of gender within historical, cultural and socio-economic contexts is essential for gender equity education. Examining gender discriminative content inherent in curricular texts and developing gender-sensitive teaching materials are the ways to integrate gender equity with curriculum development. To be aware of gender biases in the schooling work, to develop gender-inclusive teaching strategies, and to create gender-sensitive learning environments are the ways to bring gender equity into instruction. Three issues that may extend the current framework are discussed. First, the levels of implementation need to be distinguished, rather than considering gender equity practice as all-or-none. Second, it is argued that the incorporation of gender equity into curriculum and instruction is not only an issue of teaching, but also an issue of knowing. And third, feminist pedagogy may enrich the practice of gender equity education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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