This research explores how women became active users of pregnancy tests in Taiwan from 1945 to the 1990s. Women's attitudes toward pregnancy testing were influenced and changed by many factors, including education, reproductive rights, consumption capacity, popular medical knowledge, and the technologies of prenatal checking and pregnancy testing. In the early period after WWII, most women judged for themselves whether they were pregnant based on bodily changes, without any extra testing. In the late 1960s, because of their higher educational level and greater consumption capacity, women trusted medical authorities and popular medical books more, and were willing to spend more money on prenatal care. Moreover, the ease and convenience of pregnancy tests and the need for prenatal checkups pushed women to take tests in order to confirm pregnancy early. Since the late 1980s, the market for home pregnancy tests has thrived, and such testing has gotten women into hospitals earlier than ever before. However, women who took tests too early became aware of miscarriages, which often happen early in pregnancy, and were saddened at the pregnancy loss even when it occurred earlier than bodily changes. That is, without the pregnancy tests, they would not have been aware of those pregnancies, and so, would not have been saddened by their termination. Due to not trusting women's ability to administer the pregnancy test, doctors and the media persuaded women to take tests repeatedly, which resulted in women overspending on pregnancy tests, or visiting doctors afterwards. Instead of pregnancy tests, doctors used screening technologies to see inside the female body, to prove the existence of the fetus convincingly. 'Seeing is believing' became the golden rule for women, and thus women's perception of their bodies lost its former priority role in creating awareness of their pregnancy.
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