


Gendered Attitudes Toward Non-Conforming Sexual Practices in Taiwan: The Impacts of Male Sexual Privileges, Sexual Division of Labor, and Familism




王維邦(Wei-Pang Wang);陳美華(Mei-Hua Chen)


非常規性實踐 ; 異性戀常規性 ; 同居 ; 同性戀 ; 婚外性 ; 性別 ; non-conforming sexual practices ; heteronormativity ; cohabitation ; homosexual ; extramarital sex ; gender




40期(2017 / 06 / 01)


53 - 105






This study investigates whether Taiwanese men and women demonstrate different attitudes toward non-conforming sexual practices such as extramarital sex permissiveness (EMS), cohabitation and homosexuality, and examines the mechanisms that shape these gendered attitudes. Using the 2012 Taiwan Social Change Survey, this study presents the following major findings. First, cohabitation is the most accepted non- conforming sex in Taiwan, then homosexuality, and EMS as the least accepted. Furthermore, men and women share a similar attitude toward cohabitation; however, they display opposite attitudes toward EMS and homosexuality; i e. Taiwanese men are more approving of EMS and disapproving of homosexuality, and vice versa for women. Finally, the gendered attitudes toward non-conforming sex are partially resulted from male sexual privileges, sexual division of labor, and familism. Male sexual privileges are the strong links between sex and EMS permissiveness. In addition, gendered attitudes toward homosexuality are substantially explained by male sexual privileges, sexual division of labor, and familism. As male sexual privileges underline men's acceptance of EMS, and men are less likely to accept homosexuality, changing heteronormativity is an essential approach to achieve gender equality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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