


Understanding the Rape Victim: Moving Beyond Binary Opposition of Agency and Vulnerability




王曉丹(Hsiao-Tan Wang)


強暴 ; 性暴力 ; 同意 ; 被害者化 ; 能動主體 ; 脆弱性 ; rape ; sexual assault ; consent ; victimization ; agency ; vulnerability




44期(2019 / 06 / 01)


77 - 108






Although there is some feminist literature in Taiwan criticizing how the social discourse misunderstands the agency of the rape victim, very little touches upon the operation of social discourses that dominate the way in which rape victims are perceived, judged, and evaluated. This paper aims to explore the cognitive distortion of social discourses regarding rape victims, and discusses the possibility for change in terms of reinterpreting the concept of agency and vulnerability. Western feminist literature is reviewed and it is argued that the binary oppositions of "consent/non-consent" in the defining of rape, "victim/agent" in subject position, and "agency/vulnerability" in human nature, have all resulted in the social production of victim condemnation. In order to escape the dilemma of identifying rape victims only in accordance with this dichotomy, it is important to understand that other points of reference exist along the continuum. In achieving this, a new epistemology of rape can emerge that not only connotes a more positive understanding of vulnerability but also reshapes the idea of agency by breaking its links with masculinity in the subject position of the victim. This paper concludes by suggesting how feminist politics can strive towards transforming rape discourses based on this new epistemology.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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