


The Intersection of Gender and Disability: The Experiences of Motherhood among Taiwanese Women with Polio




郭惠瑜(Hui-Yu Kuo)


小兒麻痺女性 ; 女性主義 ; 母職 ; 交織性 ; 多重壓迫 ; women with polio ; feminism ; motherhood ; intersectionality ; multiple oppression




46期(2020 / 06 / 01)


79 - 122






This article aims to explore the experiences of motherhood among women with polio in Taiwan. The methodology adopted is qualitative, with life history interviews being conducted with ten women with childhood-onset polio aged from 50 to 60 years. The article shows that women with polio face social barriers and environmental obstacles that limit them in fulfilling their motherly roles. Most of the participants are main caregivers, and they are able to develop creative strategies to look after their children. The dominant discourses of motherhood shape their identities as mothers. Some participants put great effort into caregiving activities to prove that they can be 'good mothers' despite their physical limitations. Other participants reframe the social norms of the roles of a mother and find their own ways to fulfill motherhood.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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