


Military Women as Described by Male Literati: The Late-Ming Warrior Shen Yunying (1624-1660)




謝曉菁(Hsiao-Ching Hsieh)


沈雲英 ; 從軍女性 ; 性別越界 ; 女性傳記 ; 儒家價值 ; Shen Yunying ; military women ; gender crossing ; female biography ; Confucian values




48期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 27






The present paper focuses on writings authored by male writers on the late Ming warrior Shen Yunying (1624-1660), as well as other military women during the Ming-Qing transition. It explores their gender reversal specifically as revealed by the differences in writing about military women versus chaste women. Moreover, this paper considers how male literati expressed their general expectations of military women through these forms of writings. This paper begins with discussion on the epitaph and biography of Shen Yunying, as written by Mao Qiling (1623-1713), which did not conform to largely practiced rules concerning writing on women. This is shown in regards to the title of the work and the specific naming of the subject. In addition, the clansmen of Shen made an exception to the general rule of excluding women born into the clan by listing Shen Yunying within the lineage when compiling their genealogy. These two forms of special treatment, seen here to be permitted by men, demonstrate the subjectivity and particularities of Shen as a military woman. Secondly, by examining the writings on Shen Yunying and other contemporary military women, this paper argues that the remarkable feats performed by these military women on the battlefield crossed gender boundaries; being described by men, however, this "crossing" still obeyed the patriarchal systems and traditional Confucian values, and was rationalized through virtues such as loyalty, piety and chastity. The subjectivities of these military women were thus not able to be freely displayed, given that their depiction is under the control of male writers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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