


University Professors' Perceptions of Policy Needs for Gender Equality on Campuses in Taiwan and the Influencing Factors




蔡麗玲(Li-Ling Tsai);彭渰雯(Yen-Wen Peng);陳建州(Jian-Jhou Chen);呂依婷(Yi-Ting Lu)


大學教師 ; 性別平等 ; 高等教育 ; 性別與職場 ; 性別友善校園 ; university faculty ; gender and higher education ; gender and workplace ; gender and management ; gender-friendly campus




48期(2021 / 06 / 01)


71 - 123




為檢視我國學術環境性別平等程度,本研究回顧既有文獻並參考PRAGES(Practising Gender Equality in Science)之核心概念,以大學校園為對象,設計9道涵蓋不同面向的大學校園性別平等程度的問題、10項改善大學校園性別平等優先需求,以分層抽樣、問卷調查方式蒐集資料,獲得1,436位大學助理教授以上專任教師有效樣本,分析我國學術環境的性別平等情形、估計結構與制度因素對性別平等程度的效果,並探討大學教師迫切需要的校園性平作為。研究結果顯示,整體而言,近四成受訪者認為大學校園存在性別不平等,雖然不同面向的性別不平等認知程度不同,但女性感受不平等的情況在各面向都顯著高於男性。再者,性別不平等程度存在於結構與制度之中,不同職級、任職於不同學院或不同類型大學者,感受到的性別不平等程度也有所差異。在改善性平的作為方面,我們發現「家庭照顧支持」的迫切程度最高,對男女教師同等重要;至於「提高女性擔任一級主管比例」對男女大學教師的重要性則差異甚大。


To examine the degree of gender equality in the academic environment in Taiwan, this research adopts concepts from PRAGES to design nine questions about gender equality on university campuses and ten prospective policies to rectify gender inequality, and then collected data through stratified sampling and questionnaire surveys. After receiving 1,436 valid questionnaires, it explores the respondents' views on gender equality in the Taiwanese academic environment, and evaluates the effect of structural and institutional factors on the degree of gender inequality; furthermore, the research has determined the perceived priority of the policies. The analysis results show that, overall, nearly 40% of the interviewees believe that gender inequality exists on university campuses. After further analysis, it is seen that structural and institutional factors affect the degree of gender inequality. People of different genders or academic ranks perceive different degrees of gender inequality; those who work in different colleges or different types of universities also perceive different degrees of gender inequality. In terms of improving gender equality, a proposed "family caregiver support program" is rated as having the highest urgency, regardless of gender of the respondents. However, the importance of "increasing the proportion of women serving as first-level supervisors," differs in the minds of male versus female university teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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