


The origin of Fan Shih's "Transmission of the Medicine of the Enlightenment from the West"


陳方佩(Fang-Pei Chen);蔡玲玲(Ling-Ling Tsai);陳方周(Fun-Jou Chen)


耶穌會士 ; 西方醫學 ; 范適 ; 《明季西洋傳入之醫學》 ; 中醫與西醫間的關係 ; Jesuits ; western medicine ; Fan Shih ; "Transmission of the Medicine of the Enlightenment from the West" ; Relationship between Chinese and Western medicine




19卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 18






Chinese and Western medicine have their own traditions. In the Ming Dynasty, Jesuits introduced Western medicine to China that make the first conflict between Chinese and Western medicine. In 1943, Fan Shih (1906-1998) wrote "Transmission of the Medicine of the Enlightenment from the West". This book tried to introduce Western medicine' content and principles for the first time before three hundred years ago. Fan Shih was born from Zhejiang at the end of Qing Dynasty. He grew up in the Republic of China. At that time, it was the second conflict between Chinese and Western medicine. Intellectuals thought Chinese medicine is ancient. In order to develop modern Western medicine, they promoted the abolition of the Chinese medicine. However, it was opposed of the people. In 1929, Chinese medicine renamed National Medical. Fan Shih studied at Shanghai Medical College. After graduation, he worked in Shanghai Chinese Medical Association and Chinese Medical magazine contacted medical history of literature. In the spring of 1941, he started to write "Transmission of the Medicine of the Enlightenment from the West". Fan Shih survived at the critical period of the retention or abolition about Chinese medicine. Research this book will help us to understand the fundamental position of Chinese medicine. This article intends to explore by Fan Shih survival background as a starting point, the social groups impacted of Fan Shih, the abolition wave of Chinese medicine, and the revitalization wave of Chinese medicine, as the spindle of this study. The article is divided into a sequence 1.Introduction, 2.Background, 3.Societies and people affect of contemporary, 4.The abolition wave of Chinese medicine, 5.The revitalization wave of Chinese medicine, and 6.conclusion.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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