


A case report of Acupuncture for gluteal myofascial pain


徐偉展(Wei-Chan Hsu);莊照宇(Chao-Yu Chuang);李佳蓉(Chia-Jung Lee);譚漢彬(Han-Bing Tam);任東輝(Tung-Hui Jen)


臀部疼痛 ; 肌筋膜症候群 ; 下背痛 ; 復健 ; 針灸 ; gluteal pain ; myofascial pain syndrome ; lower back pain ; rehabilitation ; acupuncture




23卷3-4期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 11




本案例為一35歲男性,因兩年前接受泰式踩背按摩後而出現左臀緊繃疼痛,伴隨左下肢無力、難以久坐、行走不利等狀況。當時西醫復健科就診檢查並未發現骨盆及髖關節處有明顯骨折或異常之處,但後續接受包含熱敷、電療、拔伸、紅外線、體外震波等復健療程及外面中醫診所小針刀、頭皮針、耳針治療後仍無明顯改善,故轉至本院尋求治療。由於患者左臀可觸及多處緊繃筋結點,不只按壓疼痛,甚至疼痛會轉移至左小腿後外側,造成其痠軟無力,種種特徵類似現代醫學中的肌筋膜疼痛症候群(myofascial pain syndrome)。因此,我們除了進一步確認肌筋膜疼痛症候群的診斷標準外,並嘗試將傳統十二經筋的理論與現在醫學肌筋膜的概念結合,一方面取相對應的經筋穴位,但又不侷限於傳統取穴位置,反而特別針對壓痛點及筋結點進行針灸及電療,以痛為俞,我們發現這樣的搭配,對於患處局部氣血循環的改善效果顯著,且患者的臀痛在治療後第一個月即有明顯改善,不只逐漸耐久坐及久走,疼痛復發的頻率也降低,三個月後疼痛感持續減輕,活動幅度範圍持續改善,整體回復狀況及進程相當良好。


This 35-year-old male reported left gluteal pain after a back-trampling massage. Except gluteal pain, he also felt left lower limbs weakness, and difficult to sit or walk for a long period. At that time, the radiology and physical examination showed no obvious fracture or abnormality in the pelvic and hip joints at the Rehabilitation Department. He received follow-up rehabilitation procedures including heat therapy, electrotherapy, manual therapy, infrared, extracorporeal shock waves, and other therapies such as scalp acupuncture, acupotomy , auricular acupuncture at traditional Chinese medical clinic. However, because there were no obvious improvements, he came to our hospital for help. On palpation, there were multiple tender nodules at left gluteal area that referred pain to left posterolateral calf, which made his left lower limbs lacking strength. These symptoms characterize myofascial pain syndrome. Therefore, in addition to further confirming the diagnostic criteria of myofascial pain syndromes, we tried to combine the traditional theory of twelve meridians and the current concept of myofascial meridians. We not only focus on corresponding traditional meridian points, but tender spots and trigger points. We found that the combination of the two theory had a significant effect on improving qi and blood circulation in the affected area. At the first month, there were already marked improvements that the patient could gradually sit and walk for a period of time, and the frequency of pain recurrence also decreasing. After three month of treatment, not only the pain keep diminishing, but the range of motion improved tremendously. The overall recovery and progression were quite good.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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