This 35-year-old male reported left gluteal pain after a back-trampling massage. Except gluteal pain, he also felt left lower limbs weakness, and difficult to sit or walk for a long period. At that time, the radiology and physical examination showed no obvious fracture or abnormality in the pelvic and hip joints at the Rehabilitation Department. He received follow-up rehabilitation procedures including heat therapy, electrotherapy, manual therapy, infrared, extracorporeal shock waves, and other therapies such as scalp acupuncture, acupotomy , auricular acupuncture at traditional Chinese medical clinic. However, because there were no obvious improvements, he came to our hospital for help. On palpation, there were multiple tender nodules at left gluteal area that referred pain to left posterolateral calf, which made his left lower limbs lacking strength. These symptoms characterize myofascial pain syndrome. Therefore, in addition to further confirming the diagnostic criteria of myofascial pain syndromes, we tried to combine the traditional theory of twelve meridians and the current concept of myofascial meridians. We not only focus on corresponding traditional meridian points, but tender spots and trigger points. We found that the combination of the two theory had a significant effect on improving qi and blood circulation in the affected area. At the first month, there were already marked improvements that the patient could gradually sit and walk for a period of time, and the frequency of pain recurrence also decreasing. After three month of treatment, not only the pain keep diminishing, but the range of motion improved tremendously. The overall recovery and progression were quite good.
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