Cancer patients have to deal with different forms of restlessness and stress during diagnosis, treatment, and follow up. Treatment related discomfort sometimes reduces the willingness to complete treatment resulting in treatment interruption, which then in turn affects the prognosis of treatment leading to increased risk of recurrence and metastasis, not to mention the additional costs to the society. Herein, the PRECEDE model was used by the case management as a framework to explore the factors that caused cancer patients to discontinue treatment during. Predisposing factors (awareness of the disorder, attitude towards treatment, level of understanding of the disease prognosis, and confidence in treatment), reinforcing factors (patients’ social support system, the Physician-Patient Relationship, family’s attitudes towards treatment), and enabling factors (availability of treatment facilities, feasibility of the treatment, physical condition when receiving treatment, and disease progression) were also analyzed. Through active tracking, timely understanding of patient needs, and integration of resources, the case managers could try to clear or ameliorate the conditions that may cause the patient to discontinue treatment. This could lower the risks of cancer recurrence and metastasis caused by treatment interruption and thus increases the patients' chances of cure.
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