


The Exploration of Oral Cancer Cases Management Division of not Cause of the Patients Completed Treatment and Survival Analysis




楊佩瑄(Pei-Hsuan Yang);林美瑩(Mei-Ying Lin);羅珮娟(Pei-Chuan Lo);林貴香(Kuei-Hsiang Lin);黃綉雲(Hsin-Yun Huang)


口腔癌 ; 個案管理 ; 未完成治療 ; 存活分析 ; oral cancer ; case management ; completion of treatment ; survival analysis




17卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


31 - 48




背景:腫瘤個案管理包括癌症病人照護及個案管理服務,以確保病人能接受連續且完整的整合性照護,使病人能達到預期的治療和照護結果。目的:探討口腔癌病人接受腫瘤個案管理照護項目、未完成治療原因及存活分析。方法:本研究採用回溯性(retrospective study)次級資料分析(secondary data analysis)研究設計,擷取2010年1月1日至2013年12月31日南部某醫學中心口腔癌個案管理資料庫。結果:本研究資料庫共有1211位口腔癌病人,研究結果顯示口腔癌病人以40-59歲之中年男性較多,癌症分期第四期為主,腫瘤位置以頰黏膜癌及舌癌佔多數,74.1%有口腔嗜好,需要腫瘤個案管理師提供較多的病房訪視、副作用處理與社福照會之照護服務。114位病人未完成治療,治療未完成率為9.4%,存活率44.1%,死亡率高於完成治療的病人,治療副作用太大無法承受(24.6%)是無法完成治療的主要原因。結論/實務應用:個案管理照護介入的成果,可藉由衛教病人治療療程,陪伴癌症病人度過治療期間產生的副作用,提供社會資源,成功達到治療目標。個案管理可透過連結社區護理,提供持續的關懷與支持,降低病人無法完成治療的原因,重返醫院完成治療療程,以提高病人之存活率。


Background: In clinical practices, oncology case managers are responsible for cancer patient care and case management to ensure improved quality of patient care with continuity of integrated care. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the task items, causes of incomplete treatment and survival analysis of oral cancer case management. Methods: This is a retrospective study designed for secondary data analysis conducted on oncology case management data from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2013 of a medical center in southern Taiwan. Results: One thousand one hundred twelve (1121) patient records of oral cancer patients were selected from the hospital database to be included in this study. The result showed that most oral cancer patients were male, aged 40-59, with the forth stage of tongue cancer; 74.1% had bad oral habits requiring more ward visits for side effect management and social welfare consult from case management services. A total of 114 patients failed to complete treatments. The incompletion rate was 9.4%. Patients with incomplete treatment had a 44.1% mortality rate which is higher than those with complete treatment. The main reason for incompletion was the inability to tolerate the treatment side effects (24.6%). Conclusion/Implications for Practice: In addition to patient education on treatments regimens, patient support to see them through the side effects and social resources are the key elements to help achieve treatment goals for oncology case managers. Oncology case managers should collaborate with community health nurses in providing cancer patients care to support and encourage patients to complete treatments for a better survival rate.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 內科
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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