This article describes the hospice nursing experience for an oral cancer patient with carotid blowout syndrome transferred to the intensive care unit for the right hemiparesis resulting from the carotid endovascular treatment. The caring period was from April 21 to May 2, 2018 and the Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns was used to conduct the holistic assessment. Data were collected through direct nursing, physical assessment, and medical records. The major health problems identified were pain, dysfunctional gas exchange, and anticipatory grief. We applied pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions to relieve pain and maintain airway patency. We also adjusted ventilator modes to stabilize oxygenation and relieve dyspnea. Meetings were held to reach consensus between family and the medical team, establish nursing goals, and to work with the hospice care team to complete the final life's journey of the patient in the company of the family members. This was an experience of integrating critical care with palliative care resources to improve the quality of life for the critically ill patients and to implement the hospice concepts of the whole person, whole family, whole course, and whole team. We hope this can be used as a reference for future care of such patients.
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